Orchestration Tools will help you in managing your container’s applications. You can use it for developing, deploying and testing your containers. These tools will help you in managing your whole application life cycle. There are many different tools available in the market. Most organizations are using Kubernetes. Thus, most tools are compatible with Kubernetes. In this article, we are going to talk about the best orchestration tools available in the market.

Container Orchestration will help you in automating your management process. It will help you in managing your container applications. Containers are becoming more popular with time. Thus, many organizations are adopting container technology. They are also looking for orchestration tools. These tools will help you in managing your containers.



Openshift is built on top of kubernetes. Openshift project is maintained by Redhat. It has both open source (openshift orgin) and enterprise version (openshift container platform).Along with core Kubernetes features, it offers out of the box components for container management and orchestration.





The Docker ecosystem consists of tools from development to production deployment frameworks. In that list, docker swarm fits into cluster management. A mix of docker-compose, swarm, overlay network, and an excellent service discovery tool such as etcd or consul can be used for managing a cluster of Docker containers.

Docker swarm is still maturing in terms of functionalities when compared to other open-source container cluster management tools. Considering the vast docker contributors, it won’t be so long for docker swarm to have all the best functionalities other tools possess. Docker has documented a good production plan for using docker swarm in production.



Kubernetes is an open-source, out of the box container cluster manager and orchestration. It is built with an excellent scheduler and resource manager for deploying containers in a more efficient and highly available way. Kubernetes has become the de facto container orchestration tool for many organizations.

The kubernetes project is maintained by google with contributors all over the world. It offers many functionalities that native docker tools don’t provide. Moreover, it is easy to get started with kubernetes.



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